“ As lawyers we should be the fortress of the oppressed and the Nemesis of the oppressors “ Angabua Junior

He is young, passionate and dynamic. Angabua has always dreamed of wearing the gown. He is now the founder and managing partner of Prime Time Law Practices.

Barister & solicitor of the supreme courts of Cameroon and Nigeria, Angabua Chuo Angabua Jr. is a versatile and a technologically savvy legal practitioner with practice areas ranging from Media & Entertainment Law; Corporate Finance; Equity & Debt Restructuring; and Real Estate. He is also a Notary Public for Cameroon with jurisdiction covering the South West region of Cameroon. Interview

Hello Mr. Angabua Chuo. Can you describe your career path?

My name is Chuo Angabua Junior Angabua, paternally I hail from Ngie, Momo division of the north West Region , while maternally I hail from Achem Wum, Menchum Division North west Region. I attended Presbyterian Primary school Kumba Town before proceeding to a Presbyterian comprehensive High school – (Nso) Kumbo.

In 2012, I was offered admission to study law in the University of Buea. I attended the Nigerian Law School, Abuja & Kano Campus 2018/2019 set. I am based in Buea and in active legal practice.

I am a barister & solicitor of the supreme courts of Cameroon and Nigeria. I am also a Notary Public for Cameroon with jurisdiction covering the South West region of Cameroon.

Why did you choose to become a Business Lawyer? A childhood dream?

I have never really given serious consideration to becoming a member of a profession other than law. If you look at my antecedents and pedigree, you will see that I am not one of those who came into this noble profession by accident. In other words, I am not an accidental lawyer.

My enlistment into the legal profession was an act of sheer providence. In the first place, my family wanted me to be either a Teacher or Businessmen.

That was why my mother often pressed on my sibling and I for assistance at her small stand in kumba market, we literally spent a huge part of our-lives in the market, sometimes I will flee but however I knew from the formative years of my life that becoming a lawyer would equip me with the knowledge and capacity to articulate and pursue public interest issues.

While one does not necessarily require a law degree to fight for the oppressed and a free society, being a lawyer offers an edge. So in a nutshell being a lawyer has been my childhood dream.

Angabua Junior CHUO
Angabua Junior CHUO

What are your main areas of practice?

Other than Maritime law, cooperate/Business law & aviation, I have interest in constitutional law, election petition and general civil and criminal litigation. In Cameroon, most lawyers are general practitioners.

However, the practice of law is evolving and legal practitioners are distinguishing themselves in various specialised fields of law such as maritime, technology, corporate practice, election petitions, aviation and other areas.


What were your first steps in this world?

I made my mistakes and I am still making them but I stay woke for corrections and adjustments. Without this mistakes the first steps won’t mature.

Angabua Junior CHUO
Angabua Junior CHUO

You are today one of the rising stars in the world of business law in Cameroon. What is your assessment of your rich professional experience?

It’s been a fair growth process and time goes I keep repositioning my aspiration.

What are your main achievements (great feats) with Prime Time Law Office ?

As a young lawyer mustering the courage to setup a law firm is already an achievement. Prime Time law offices was established 1 week after my call to the Nigerian Bar.

That not withstanding i will rather say that I am humbled by what people see as my professional achievements.

Life is about choices and what works for others may not work for me and what works for me may not work for others. My belief in destiny is unshakeable, we are a moving train it will suffice here to say that I have tremendously achieve a lot way beyond my expectations and my age in practice. (I reserve details for our next interview)

What is your most critical time in practice you had to deal with?

It is difficult to give a precise answer momentarily. Challenges are inevitable in legal practice. Whenever I find myself in a critical situation, my response has been to consult with seniors and colleagues for guidance. In this profession, you cannot be an Island.

The dynamic nature of law makes it imperative for every serious minded practitioner to consult not only with his books, but also his colleagues when occasion demands.

Is there an activity that relaxes you and allows you to recharge your batteries?

Basically I am the reclusive type. I live a Spartan life with little or no time for social engagements. Apart from my books and legal practice, there is nothing else that is of great interest to me.

But I devote time to social media and media interviews when my schedule allows for it. I hope I will be able to adjust to accommodate extra-curricular activities in future.

A word to the young people who wish to follow in your footsteps?

Never give up. Do not allow your family background to determine your aspirations in life. I was not born with a silver spoon. As a matter of fact, I can say figuratively that I was not born with any spoon. Life was so difficult for us while growing up.

The fact that I survived child killer diseases that had threatened my existence and went through the thorns of economic privation to be who I am today is a testament that a man’s past does not necessarily determine his or her future.

Today, there is nobody that can intimidate me. I may not be rich but I know that money will come in due time.

The fact that I do not need to introduce myself to people incessantly before they accord me attention is itself a resounding feat.

Aspiring lawyers, especially those from a humble background, should draw strength from my story. It is the story of the stone which the builders rejected that has now become the chief cornerstone. Do not relegate super natural being in all you do.

I am not a very religious person but I know that the super natural being is the ultimate source of my attainment in life. Lastly, I encourage them to read, read and read. They should know that adversity may endure in the night, but light will surely come in the morning.

To round up, I leave you with this few lines : “ As lawyers we should be the fortress of the oppressed and the Nemesis of the oppressors “. Have a nice Day  and thanks for making me your guest !

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]: https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E03AQHf-clUjVZJhw/profile-displayphoto-shrink_800_800/0/1652273381396?e=1680134400&v=beta&t=tZtDpR_VBysjAMQi5Xz0nenqAvPHO3bhDn2JhjyGymA[/author_image] [author_info]Interview by Fabrice Tientcheu, Founder of Projecteur Magazine[/author_info] [/author]

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